Sunday, September 27, 2015

A New Product at 20% off for the next 48 hours!

At the start of the school year our jobs are to teach so many basic things like letter recognition and writing, beginning sounds, and color words. Our kinder-friends  often come to us lacking in those skills. My goal every year is to make sure we practice proper letter formation as we learn each letter.  Trust me, the little kinders have developed some very interesting ways to write their letters!  This easy to print book gives you a variety of skills all on one page!  It is perfect for a “Letter-A-Day” program. Each page provides both the capital and lowercase letter with starting dots and arrows.  There are pictures that begin with the letter sound and three color words. The kinders are to color the pictures and then use those three colors to rainbow write the letters. The last step is to read, trace and reread the sentence at the bottom.
 This set includes:
full page and 2 per page sets of “My Amazing Book of Colorful letters”
Full page and 2 per page sets of writing practice for letters Aa-Zz
Additional ideas for using both of these sets

on sale for 20% off through  9/29 

    Another option that you can do to keep your kinders practicing proper letter strokes is to copy pages 31 -56 and place them in clear, heavy-weight pocket protectors. Fasten the pages in a plastic 3 pronged folder and you have a writing practice book that will last for several years. In the folders I use in my classroom I also include a name writing template from Kindergarten Whale Tales, FREE letter stroke practice pages from Kinderworks,  There’s a great article on teaching handwriting at this link.  I also include number writing practice pages.
        My kinders keep their writing practice folders in their chair pockets along with their dry erase marker boxes. That way they can always pull  the folder out and practice. Speaking of dry erase boxes, I got tired of the amount of time that was wasted waiting for the kinders to get a dry erase marker and eraser so I started looking for something cheap. I found these sweet plastic pencil cases for a quarter a piece and filled them with 4 dry-erase markers and a ½ piece of Walmart’s brand of magic eraser. All were personalized by my daughter! I'm so glad my 17 year old daughter doesn't mind helping me. :-)

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