Saturday, November 24, 2018

TpT is having a Cyber Sale Starting Monday!

Bargains are everywhere and TpT is no different! This Monday and Tuesday you can save up to 28% in my store by using the code CYBER18. Now you just have to choose what the best deals are! Click on the captions below each resource to take you straight to my TpT Koala Kinders store.

The Colorful Sight Word Bundle would be my first choice! With over 570 pages of Sight Word activities this will be a steal at a 28% savings!

Winter is here in many places around the country and you may be planning some activities centered around the Winter season.  Here are four fun Emergent Readers for December to help plan your ELA time.

If you are teaching about animals in Winter, then this 5 Senses in Winter writing resource is for you!  Writing about what you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch can be so much fun especially after you read “Bear Snores On”.

Here’s hoping you find lots of bargains and a fun-filled month in your classroom. Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog!
~Janet at Koala Kinders

Monday, July 23, 2018

Announcing "Colorful Sight Words GROWING Bundle"

Drum roll, please..Announcing the release of “Colorful Sight Word Flash Cards, Word Wall Card and 10 FunActivities Lists A-C”  all wrapped up into one HUGE growing Bundle! There’s so much packed inside that I just had to try and describe it all in the title! 
Click Here to go to my store!

One of the bonuses is the Flash Cards, Word Wall Cards and Pocket Pals are completed with lists A-H and are ready to print and laminate!

I call this a growing bundle because all the activities are for Teachers who are currently using the Teachers College Sight Word Lists A C. I have it currently listed for less than half price. That’s a steal!  As I add the activities for the lists D- H the price will increase accordingly until it reaches the set price. When you purchase this bundle at the discounted price you will automatically get all the updates! Be sure to follow my store so you learn about deals and freebies.

Click below to grab this Bundle for less than 1/2 price!!

This Bundle contains so many activities that I am just going to share the cover pages of each set so you can see for your self all of the great resources that are inside this growing bundle.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sight Words – The Necessity of Flash Cards

We all know how important it is for students to learn sight words to become better readers and writers. One of the basic ways to do this is using flash cards. In my kindergarten class we had a saying that “Practice Makes Better” and once the kinders bought into that concept they were amazed at how quickly they learned specific skills. My district finally decided on a specific list of words and I immediately made flash cards for my class. I noticed a marked improvement in their ability to read and write within weeks of introducing the flashcards. We read through the words  every day during Calendar Time and another activity that also helped was showing a Power Point slideshow of the list we were working on. Some of the ways we used the slide show included: reading the words, finding the words on our sight word mat, and writing the words on individual dry erase boards. At the end of this post you’ll find a link to a FREEBIE! It’s the Teachers College Sight Word List A Slide Show and Printable Sight Word Mat.

 I just uploaded flash cards for the Teachers College Sight Words Lists A-H on TpT. Click on the link to grab a set for $1.00!  I am also super excited to be working on some fun activities to help students practice their sight words during centers. Some of the activities for each list include:  Write the Room, Spin, Read and Write, Mirror Writing, I Have-Who Has, and I Spy.  Check my TpT store in the new few weeks as I get these activities completed.

And now, here is your FREEBIE!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

MLK-His Hope for Peace

   Another important day in America has arrived - the celebration of the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.! We are off school for this holiday but we talk about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. before and after the holiday.  We read several books about MLK and we also read "The Crayon Box That Talked". For our poem of the week we learn the "Color" poem. It is a wonderful opportunity to discuss diversity in kindergarten.

    This year I am adding an emergent reader to our study of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is called "MLK-His Hope For Peace". I think it will be a nice follow up to any biographies about MLK. 
   You can find this newly uploaded reader in my TpT store for just $1.00.

MLK Emergent Reader
MLK Emergent Reader