Monday, December 15, 2014

Two New Uploads for the Final Week Before Christmas Break

It's that crazy week before the break when the kids are hanging from the rafters and can't seem to calm down. I came up with a couple of quick activities to incorporate into our center time. The kinders are going to be excited and talkative so I am giving them a focus for their talk. First, I have created six different surveys for the kids to work on their questioning and their graphing skills.

I also uploaded a FREEBIE "I Have, Who Has?" Christmas Cookies ABC's and 123"s. Click here to download it from my TeachersPayTeacher store:

Earlier this month my daughter was is in a "Baking Christmas Cookies" stage and that gave me the idea to create some yummy math and literacy centers. Here's a quick peek at what you'll find in these Christmas Cookies Literacy and Math Centers.


Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful last school week before the break!

~Janet aka KoalaKdgTeacher