Saturday, October 31, 2015

It’s What Month?!

Where did October go? The month was so safety, pumpkins, field trips, Halloween parties, and parent-teacher conferences!  Our Halloween parties are always on the half-day followed by parent-teacher conferences until 7:30 that same evening. I am so thankful our district gives us the day after parent-teacher conferences off. I did go back to school for a few hours to prepare for a new student who will start on Monday. It is amazing how many things are labeled in a kindergarten classroom! I rearranged a few of my tables too, since some of my koala kinders were getting a little chatty!

Now I am gearing up for November and decided that I wanted my koala
kinders to work on fluency so I created four theme-related emergent readers to send home with them. My plan is to send one home each week in a Take-Home bag. I will include a bookmark to help them keep track of how many times they practice the book for the week. I will also include a parent letter that quickly explains the Take-Home bags and the purpose of the readers. I spoke to 18 out of 19 parents during conferences about the Take-Home bags so I feel confident that this will be successful. 

The four November-themed emergent readers include the following:

Each reader prints in black and white
There are two sets per page which helps save paper when copying for the whole class. 
A detailed cover is provided for each multi-page emergent reader. 
Each reader also includes follow-along touch dots to aid in tracking left to right.

 You can find these four new November-themed emergent readers in my
TeachersPayTeachers store. Click on the caption below the preview page to take you to my store:

Click here to learn more about November Emergent Readers
Janet aka KoalaKdgTeacher